10h41 Hot Wheels Hobby: Ways of Storing Hot Wheels

March 29, 2013

Ways of Storing Hot Wheels

  If you have many Hot Wheels and you are planning on making a huge collection, or you want to keep them in the best condition possible, you don't display them, don't like to keep them discarded all over the house and keep them off the dust then storing them is the best solution. It doesn't matter you collect them loose or carded because there are many solutions for both ways. Storing them also allows you to resell them in the future or passing them down to another person. In this post i will present a few ways on what to use for storing your Hot Wheels , these are just a few examples, from here you can always find alternatives that suits you best.

***Plastic Cases***

This solution is very good for both ways of collecting and its the most used. The plastic cases will give the best protection and also they can be found in many sizes. These are not made specifically for storing Hot Wheels, but they are great for this. In US there are many cases , some of them are called "hot cases" for carded castings and "jammers" for loose castings (jammers will store 48 loose cars). Over there they can be found in stores like Wall-mart and Sears . In other countries, even if they don't have the same model cases , there can be alternatives and should be found in any department or container store. Of course the best place where everybody, everywhere can get them is E-bay, but this way you also have to take in consideration the shipping. The prices vary, depending on the area and store, but for the long term and if you care about your collection it's all worth it.

"Hot case" for carded castings
"Jammers" for loose castings

You can also use one of these tool boxes, like i use, for the loose castings and they can be found in department stores, probably everywhere in the world.

Tool box for loose castings

***Cardboard Boxes***

If you find those plastic cases to expensive or you don't have money to spend then the cardboard boxes is the best solution. They can be found very cheap everywhere, or you can just keep the used boxes that came from buying different electronics and other things. This solution is not as reliable as the plastic cases solution because the protection is not as high (it will bend or break easily if you drop something heavy on it or if you drop it from a higher ground). Also this solution is not secure against humidity, so store these boxes in a dry place and somewhere above the ground in the case of a flood. This solution is appropriate for carded cars, for the loose ones you will also have to add some plastic baggies and some ingenuity to arrange them, to prevent them from scratches.

Cardboard box for loose and carded castings

Depending on what solution you have chosen store the box in a closet, sideboard, under the bed (if you have space and the box is small), pantry, storeroom, attic or anywhere safe and this way it will also prevent them from cluttering the room. I use both ways of storing and you can find a video HERE, i don't have "hot cases" or "jammers" in my country so i used alternatives.

Hope you find this post useful and helpful, also if you have different solutions, or better ones leave a comment below.

***What do you use for storing your Hot Wheels ?***


  1. i like the tol box thingy...
    nice way to store my loose collections...
    too bad there's no product like that here in the Philipines...
    good luck brother and more diecasts to come...

    1. Thank you , same to you. Well maybe you don't have that kind of tool box there , but there must be some other good alternatives , just search something to protect your collectibles. Have fun collecting.
