10h41 Hot Wheels Hobby: January 2015

January 22, 2015

Hot Wheels Cars in the Stores

   Welcome back dear Hot Wheels collectors and all my readers. Because it is the first time we see each other this year i wish you all a Happy 2015. I hope this new year is going to be better for us as collectors and with out lives. So, how is the start of the new year ?

Well, if you ask me this start of the year is not that great, collecting wise, the same problems of not finding anything new, actually so far nothing from the 2015 line of Hot Wheels cars. I gathered a few pictures on how the stores looked like at Christmas, where normally should be that time were the pegs are full with toys. Here it was ok, but that was the time, until next Christmas probably, when i am going to see those pegs as full again.

Nice variety of sets

Can you guess what set is that ?

No Drag Buses in those Color Shifters cars

As you can see we did get a normal batch of short card Hot Wheels, some Color Shifters (unfortunately no Drag Buses), Monster Jams and a few cool track sets and play sets. Among these sets were also new for me, the Workshops – Track Builder sets. No pictures of those cause they were very high and i couldn't reach there without the employees spotting me. 

This track set doesn't need batteries

In this last picture you can see three more sets with one of the most interesting ones, Hot Wheels Turbine Twister. It has some time since it has made an appearance, but it still holds a high price and it keeps me far from being able to get it. The pegs looked good for that period, but to bad i will not be able to see that again very soon.

In my next post i will try to show you all the Hot Wheels cars i managed to find in the last couple of months, including Christmas period. Don't worry, it is not going to be a pic heavy post and you will be very surprised to see the results, at least compared to some of you, US collectors.
This is all for today, thanks for reading and don't forget you can always find me on YouTube as well, were i upload regularly there Hot Wheels finds, as well as many other interesting and funny videos with track sets and play sets.
Happy collecting and let me know with a comment, how were your stores during the Christmas period?!