10h41 Hot Wheels Hobby

September 7, 2024

Hot Wheels Boulevard Mix 2 2024

 This Boulevard set is a special one as it reaches the magic number 100. Does it also have special Hot Wheels cars to go with that? Well, read until the end and create your own idea and maybe this way I can help you buy this set or skip it next time you see it in the stores.


Italian cars are nice to the eyes and this new version of the Countach is exactly that, although we are used to this type of cars to have stock paint, some small graphics would have been nice. I don’t know yet what you guys think about it, but with this kind of details should definitely be satisfying, although some of you might hold back when it comes to the wheels and mostly the different size between front and back. 

It has been released last year in the Car Culture segment, Spettacolare, where it has also been the chase of that set. When it comes to financial value I don’t think this is going to make you rich, but if you want to, you definitely need the Chase! I wonder how many Hot Wheels collectors actually want to complete the segment, they are at 100 and we have at least 2 more mixes coming out this year and I doubt they’re going to stop soon. If they keep on going with details like this Lamborghini we are definitely going to buy them, but we must all agree, not all the castings are as interesting and we’re going to see that moving forward in the case!


Mitsubishi is another interesting one, not released long ago and was also only part of premium series so far. While it is also in the stock color, as well as all of the previous variations it’s looking very good, the green combo with the gold rims work really well and I see no issues on it. The pop-up headlights, used a lot on sports cars in the 90’s give this one a nice retro look, small spoiler in the back, headlights and even a license plate. 

You’re going to find these on the pegs for sure, as collectors, resellers, hoarders or whatever you want to call them are not going to go crazy for this one. The graphics on the cards are the classic Boulevard theme, we got used to it by now, I guess that if it works don’t change it is what designers are thinking of. It’s the first JDM car of the set and maybe the next one might be more desired.


I don’t know about you, but this version of the Supra has something different, it’s looking like a collector’s wish made with AI and we know how good AI can be these days. Made with this kind of graphics, liveries and all the logos, also our eyes are switching from the stock, plain colors of the first two castings pulled out of the case might make this one the more interesting of the set, or at least the best JDM for sure. 

When it comes to value this one is not going to make you rich either, I’m sorry! It has many variations released so far, interesting ones, in the premium as well as mainlines, with two versions, 2020 and 2021 with some small differences like the back spoiler on the 2020 one! The one in this case might actually be ON TOP, considering it's a JDM and we know how loved these are by the community, by diecast cars collectors.


Probably the highlight of the set this Skyline GT-R is a model that any diecast cars collector will have issues finding it on the pegs when they’re hunting in the stores. I will start saying that I have seen collectors not being that impressed about this variation and I respect their decision, but I don’t understand it, I say it’s an amazing casting. The details are cool, the wheels are nice and the GodZilla artwork should be like that, not clean and clear, it’s supposed to be faded, that is how it was intended. 

It looks like it’s a lower resolution, not very clear, but again, that’s how it was intended and personally I’m ok with it, I mean, you can’t please everyone, right? It has a few variations as well, premium, mainlines and Super Treasure Hunts. When it comes to value, well, the Skyline is still new and has a higher price that the previous in the box, in the future it will definitely go higher in prices so make sure you get your hands on one or two extras. 

    '60s FIAT 500 D MODIFICADO 

The last one in the case might also be the last choice for many collectors as this Fiat is not what I previously called other castings, an eye catcher. While I personally don’t find it that interesting either, the casting itself is very well made with details, cool wheels, although small and simple artwork that represents the Italian flag colors. 

It’s one of the smallest castings, based on real life cars that Hot Wheels is making in the premium series and we can even see the engine, although without any kind of details on it. This one also is not going to bring you a lot of financial value in the future, so if you’re in it for that, even if it’s the wrong reason, then this one isn’t it either, so you have to keep on searching.

The last two numbers of the mix are also the best ones and I am not sure if it was intended but the Skyline and the Countach are going to appear in many collections, now or in the near future. I am sure they’re going to stay in mine. Boulevard has reached 100 with this mix … any of you are going to stop now? … keep on going? … or maybe do like me and just choose the castings you like from each mix?

Thank you for reading! You can watch the full case unboxing on my channel JonToyCars!

December 2, 2016

Hot Wheels Track Builder System Starter Kit Unboxing & Review

  It is time to have fun and review another cool Hot Wheels set, part of the Track Builder system, Starter Kit. A surprising fun set, with many pieces to connect and assemble into the pre-build layouts or in any form our imagination takes us. This set can be connected with any other set from the Track Builder systems or even with the older Trick Tracks sets. Mattel definitely did a good job with these new sets and this one proves it.

Hope you guys enjoy the video, as well as all the other Track Set videos. They are fun and it will definitely help you make a decision in buying your next set.
I am not active on this blog that much, but you can find me all the time on YouTube, so feel free to send me messages, comments and i will do my best to answer them as soon as possible.
Have fun and happy collecting.

April 28, 2016

Hot Wheels Setup Race / Submissions Instructions

   Our Hot Wheels community is pretty big and with collectors from all over the world it is really hard to see what everybody has, how many cars, how many sets, or how they have them displayed and so on, BUT, i am going to help a little bit regarding this aspect.

Starting from now i will start a new series of videos on my channel called "Hot Wheels Setup Race".

How this will work is you guys can submit pictures, or videos with your Hot Wheels setups and i will feature them on my channel, in a video once on 2 weeks and everybody can vote which setup looks the best, the most entertaining, the most interesting and inspired.

Your setup must be composed out of track sets, cars, posters, another Hot Wheels products or all combined. It doesn't need to have a track set specifically, but if it has only cars it must be a display of at least 30 cars, arranged in a nice visual order, they can be displayed on a wall, on a desk, or on the floor ... it doesn't matter as long as it looks good in the room and with the overall layout and color of the room.

Prizes :
1) The race will go on until the end of the year where the winner will get a huge prize consisting of a box full of Hot Wheels cars and even other brands, like Majorette, Matchbox, Maisto and a shirt with the Setup Race inscriptions and my channel logo.
2) There is also going to be a winner in each episode and the winner is going to be chosen by your votes. This time the winner setup will get a banner, made by myself, with his winning setup to be promoted on my YouTube channel in the announcement episode, on Facebook and on Twitter and it will also automatically enter for the the final prize at the end of the year.

What you need to do to be eligible to enter is :
You must submit at least 7 pictures, in widescreen format, landscape mode, with a resolution of minimum 1280x720 px.
- a front picture with the whole setup
- a side picture with your setup
- 3 pictures with the key sections of the setup
- if the setup has only cars a picture with your favorite car and a picture with the most valuable car in that setup
- if it has a poster a picture with it
- Different other pictures you consider are important for your setup, with other items and so on.
You can submit as many pictures as you want if you consider you have a bunch of stuff in there, but the minimum is 7. Please submit clear pictures, with good quality so we can all see the details of the setup as good as possible, as a tip you can take the pictures during day light.

You can also submit short videos with those pictures and these will have to be :
- maximum length 30 seconds, in a wide format, of minimum 1280x720p, 30 fps, in the known formats.
- in the videos you can show a short presentation of the setup, close-ups, key sections, lights and so on.

How you can submit your content :
You will have to use a free storage website, like WeTransfer, where it allows you to send files up to 2Gb of size.
- you will have to label your files accordingly, 1 – being the front picture with the setup, 2 – a side picture of your setup and so on.
- send your content to : hotwheelshobbi@gmail.com
- in the message box add as the title 10h41 Setup Race and let me know details like the name of your track sets, names about your setup components (shelves, cases – with names, size and years); name of your favorite Hot Wheels car in the setup and the name of the most valuable car in that setup as well as the year of it.
- Write your name and your social media/channel name so i can give you a shout out (YouTube, Facebook or Twitter)
- any other details i might use to explain better what your setup is all about.
Add your own email as well, so you can receive notification for when i have downloaded your files and then click transfer.

If your setup has not been chosen for the first episode of the month, don't worry and wait until the second episode of that month. If it has not been chosen then either you can submit your content again to be featured in the next month's episodes.

The submissions are opened 10 days from the release of the Setup Race video. I think this is going to be very fun, let's hope you guys are going to participate. It will be very entertaining and we can all see what cool and interesting setups Hot Wheels collectors have made.
We are used to race our Hot Wheels, so let the Setup Race begin. Happy collecting and i will see you next time.

January 17, 2016

Late Christmas Hot Wheels Huge Prize

 Hello dear collectors. Christmas for me came later, but it was worth the wait, as you will see in the video below. I guess more words will not do justice to what the package represents, so i will just let you watch the video and think for yourself.
   Happy New Year and i wish you a new year full of accomplishments!

October 21, 2015

Hot Wheels Sets & Cool Cars In The Stores

   Hello readers and welcome back. It is an interesting time to check the stores because the new Hot Wheels mixes for 2016 are out, in US anyways and I am excited to find them here as well. I am excited for the new releases, for the New Models and I also check the latest prices for the track sets and playsets. I had some cool videos lately on my YouTube channel where we have fun with some of these sets, so you know what kind of sets I like to unbox, review and play with.

Track Sets & Playsets

Monster Jam Trucks

There were some cool areas full of Hot Wheels sets and cars, with mainlines and special series, very cool to see, catchy for the eye, with many bright colors. Unfortunately no new 2016 releases, but I liked seeing the Monster Jam trucks, the 5 packs, the Color Shifters and the Mutant Machines. The Mutant Machines are not for the first time in my posts, but now you can enjoy more and different models/species/cars.

Cool Mutant Machines Species

Color Shifters Cars

Next time I have to pick one of those Monster Jams, hopefully I can find one of the cool track sets that have been released for them and I will definitely going to make a review and play with it on my channel, or maybe even make a post here. The Mutant Machines have some cool track sets as well, but it is harder for me to find them here in the stores.

This is it for today, I hope you enjoyed as much as I did finding them in the store. Let me know what is your opinion on the Mutant Machines and the Monster Jam series cars.
Happy collecting and have fun with your Hot Wheels.