10h41 Hot Wheels Hobby: Ferrari 250 LM and 1969 Ford Mustang

July 3, 2013

Ferrari 250 LM and 1969 Ford Mustang

Detailed shape and interior

Impressive chrome wheels

Big number 21 on the hood

     Ferrari 250 LM

  The Ferrari 250 LM was released for the first time in 2007 , under the serie "New Models" and it is based on the real race car of the same name. Since then it has been released in a few other colour variations , yellow , dark red , silver blue. The model in the pictures is the first release with the black number "21" on doors and hood and the Ferrari badge on sides , base colour is chrome plastic , clear windows and the wheels type is lace chrome. I find it one of the best Ferrari cars in my collection , with its beautiful shape , nice wheels and decals and it's the only version i have so far.

Blue/white Hot Wheels decals

Big wheels and detailed back

      1969 Ford Mustang

  The '69 Ford Mustang was released for the first time in the same year of 2007 , under the serie "New Models" and it is a "G-Machine" styled model based on the production car of the same name. It has been released in many colour variations , the first ones were yellow , black , pearl white , red.
This model has been part of many special series , like Ultra Hots , Larry's Garage , the Larry's Garage 21-car Set , Treasure Hunt and Super Treasure Hunt  , Cars of the Decades series and the 24th Annual Hot Wheels Collectors Convention in 2010. The model in the pictures is a 2011 release , in the "HW Racing" serie , with the Hot Wheels Team deco , white and blue colour , chrome plastic base , blue tint windows and OH5 wheels. It is a very nice model , with a strong shape , big wheels and a powerfull impression overall. In my collection i also have the Cars of the Decades variation from 2011.

*What variation of these models you have and from which serie ?*
Thank you for reading and happy collecting.

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