10h41 Hot Wheels Hobby: Volkswagen Drag Truck and Shelby Cobra 427 S/C

July 28, 2013

Volkswagen Drag Truck and Shelby Cobra 427 S/C

Originaly signed by Phil Rheilman

Volkswagen Drag Bus little brother

Opening feature to reveal engine

        Volkswagen Drag Truck
The Volkswagen Drag Truck was first time released in 2004, under the series "First Editions". This casting is a modified version of the much more popular Volkswagen Drag Bus. It was released under many color variations, from white yellow to blue and red. In has been part of many special series, Classics series 2, Since '68, 2007 Red Line Club Membership, 7th Annual Hot Wheels Nationals Convention, Garage, Red Line Club (HWC membership), with the last one being released in 2010 under the Happy New Year 2011 serie. The model in the pictures is a metallic white/black, with "Phils Aircooled Performance", unpainted base, chrome rims RR5SP. It is the only casting i have and it was given to me by a friend on YouTube, it is originaly signed by Phil Rheilman and it was sent all over from USA. I still dont have it's big brother, but i hope i can find one in the future.

One of Larry Wood's creations

One of the oldest casting still produced

Opening hood to reveal engine

       Shelby Cobra 427 S/C
The Shelby Cobra is a very old model, it was released for the first time in 1983 under the "1983 Hot Wheels – Hot Ones" series. It is based on the original car, also known as "Classic Cobra" and it was designed by Carol Shelby and Larry Wood. It has also been released in all the color variations since then. Some of the special series that has been part of are : Treasure Hunts in 1995, General Mills mail-in, Hall of Fame, Ultra Hots, Garage series. The model in the pictures is a 2010 release, under the serie "Hot Auction", metallic burgundy with white rally stripes, chrome base, chrome 10 SP wheels. I also have a grey variation of it from 2011, but i have none of the special series models. I also like it for the opening hood feature, revealing the engine.

Hope you enjoy reading and the models pictures, leave your comment down below and tell me your opinion, happy hunting and have fun collecting.

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